Sawyer is really developing his focusing skills. He LOVES the mobile that hangs above his crib. He is not sleeping in his crib yet but will lay in there while we fold clothes or work on something that requires two hands. For a long time he just watched the giraffe. But now he will follow each animal in succession. The first time we heard him laugh he was watching the mobile. He will also coo and "talk" to it often. Our only complaint is that it only runs for a few minutes so we have to constantly run in and turn it back on or it makes him mad.
Sawyer has shown an interest in music and dancing and gets really excited when one or the other is happening. Our friend Derrell (after whom Sawyer is named) was over the other night and they were dancing on the changing table. I only caught the tail end on video but the way he's laughing at the beginning of the video was the way he was squealing for a good 5 minutes. It was so cute to watch.
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