Here's a little ramble of things we've been up to:
We introduced Sawyer to the bottle around 4 weeks because we'd read that they take it the easiest between 4-6 weeks. Carey gave it to him in a different room while I sat on pins and needles. He took it like a champ with no issues, which then (of course) made me teary because he didn't "need" me to feed him. Until Carey left, he gave Sawyer the first night time bottle so that we were each getting at least one 4-6 hour chunk of sleep. Sawyer hasn't had a bottle since he left. I start back to work in a week and have been pumping like crazy to store up milk so that we have it for his caregivers but I am a bit nervous about attempting another bottle since it's been so long. It's so much easier and helpful for me to nurse him and it's time that I have with him that no one else does. But I definitely don't want him to have issues without me. Anyone want to come give him a bottle?
Once or twice a week (depending on the class) I have to sign in and "attend" a live class lecture for my graduate program. It involves participating via a chat window or keying in via a microphone. Carey was always in charge of Sawyer during this time. Now that I am flying solo we've had to adjust a bit. Sawyer seems to be the most tired (and have the most trouble falling asleep) on the nights that I have class. Luckily my professors have been good about letting me present first or type in my comments to the lecture but Monday I had to give a project update while Sawyer was screaming in the background. Apparently we aren't so successful at multitasking. At least my headphone somewhat cancel background noise.
We've been doing more tummy time lately. Sawyer used to immediately scream when you put him on his belly but thanks to a suggestion from my sister, we've been trying it on the boppy and it is going much more smoothly. He enjoys looking at whatever toys I've set up and will be happy for at least 5 minutes (which is pretty good at this point). We will continue to try it various ways to build his neck and back muscles and give him some other ways to explore the world.
Oh the sleeping. Sawyer started sort of getting on a schedule but then right as I figured it out he changed. Currently he still sleeps in our room in a rock 'n play which is sort of a rocker/bassinet. He seems to still have trouble choking on his spit which made us wary of laying him flat. Since he does love his mobile we still put him in the crib while he's awake. This particular day, he was a little tired and I was trying to get just a few things done before I put him down. I looked over and he'd fallen asleep in the crib. He lasted for about 20 minutes but then was up. But hey, it's a start right? Eventually we'd like him doing all his sleeping in it. Baby Steps.
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