We went to Atlanta over the Fourth of July break because Carey had a four day pass. We thought it would be a good time to start Sawyer on solid foods. He's been very interested in what others are eating for about a month now. He will follow my fork or spoon from the plate to my mouth and has tried to grab for it several times now. We decided to start him straight on vegetables as current wisdom is trending away from starting with rice cereal. Especially for breast fed babies. The night before we left I pureed some carrots and when Carey got to Atlanta he fed Sawyer while I took pictures. It was hysterical. Sawyer was SO excited, until he got the carrots in his mouth. Then he wasn't so sure. :)
He REALLY wanted the spoon and kept grabbing for it as it went towards his mouth. Clearly he ended up wearing more of it than he ate. But we kept trying.
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