Happy 5 Months Sawyer!
You now sleep in your crib in your own room instead of the rocknplay (and I miss you!)
You got to visit your Daddy and grinned every time you saw his face
You wouldn't smile for this photo and furrowed your brow every time the shutter clicked
You've started to track the dogs with your eyes and lean towards them
You had another cold and did much better with this one
You roll over from your back to your belly almost every time we set you down-but then you flail and get mad because you can't roll back the other way very well
You are holding on to toys really well now
You can touch your toes but aren't really into them yet
All of your hair is gone except for the mohawk strip on the top that we fan out to look like the rest of your hair (your Daddy says it's a high and tight)
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