When Carey graduated from Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson in Columbia, SC, Sawyer and I drop down to see him. We were able to spend the day before graduation on post with him and then we stayed in a hotel that night and went back for graduation the next day. I didn't get too many pictures as we were trying to soak up as much time with Carey as possible. However a kind couple next to me held Sawyer while I got some pictures of the opening ceremony. FAMILY DAY The soldiers were hiding out in the forest on the far side and all of the sudden there were several loud booms and smoke and they all came running over through the smoke. After the opening ceremony they were released to the families. We spent the day seeing the base and spending time with Sawyer. Sawyer getting some wiggle time while we ate a picnic lunch Crashed out in the hotel room after a long day. He slept through my entire morning routine GRADUATION DAY All d...