...or not. Sawyer's disposition in the first two weeks was easy going. He really only cried when getting his diaper changed. This kid does not like to be naked for sure! However, in the past week and a half he's become increasingly fussy and gassy. We initially thought it was due to a shallow latch and he was getting too much air while breast feeding. After a desperate trip to a La Leche League meeting (which was amazingly helpful), we think we have that problem worked out. However, the fussy/gassy didn't go away. So we started going down a list. Currently all signs point to a sensitivity to some sort of food that I am eating. So we've started an elimination diet. I am currently off all dairy and coffee/caffeine. As cold as it's been, I am really missing my coffee/chai in the mornings and afternoons. But most studies show that milk/dairy is the biggest cause of sensitivities in breast milk and 1 in 3 "colicky babies" merely have a dairy sensitivity. So far...